Had a nice night out lats night. Invited out by Rahil to join him as he was meeting his sister and his cousins, one of whom was over from Vancouver. However it turned out it was to be at the Hard rock Cafe Mumbai. the only other time I have been to a Hard Rock Cafe was years ago and that was in Las Vegas, which is surely allowed. Still it wasn't my choice so i wasn't about to feel guilty for hitting a typically western spot. Apparently they go there quite often. when we walked in they were playing 'Jump' as loud as can be - ROCK!! So anyway, I treated myself to the Hard rock Special 10oz burger (see pic). Very nice it was too, although somewhat spoilt by the sudden dancing of the wiaters on the balconies when YMCA came on, they did moves and everything - I'll say no more. We went off to grab a late night cake ( i had baked cheesecake and ice cream - they were out of blueberry cheesecake which is the favourite) at a great place called 'Out of the Blue' and the drive over there was wonderful. Mumbai seems to calm down quite consdierably late at night, it has a nice dusty light about it. we drove round the coastal roads and into an area known as Reclamation, which is one of the more gentrified areas in Mumbai with a few posh apartments, it sort of had a village feel to it. Had a great time, was nice to hang out with a few people. Bit of normality in an otherwise foreign climate.
Today was my second and probably most important job with a crazy and very likeable French director called Francoise. He was good company, but it was a tough job to start with but I think I got there. He seemed happy enough - I hope. he said he was almost 60 but he certainly didn't look it. Maybe a life of living in Oz and traveling to Asia now and then keeps you young. There's an idea?

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