The rest of this week has been a mixture of sightseeing and work. Following on from 'Mahashivaratri' on Monday I found myself visiting another two temples in the process. The first being the Hindu Mahalaxmi Temple on Bhulabhai Desai Road, not far from our offices. Apparently it is one of the most famous temples in Mumbai. You can't actually see much of it because of all the buildings surrounding it, I guess it can be best viewed from the sea. You follow very much the same routine when you visit, you give a donation, receive some offerings hand them to a monk who blesses them and then returns some for you to keep. There are many stalls on the street that lead up into the temple which sell rings of flowers that you wear round your neck, incense, fruit and such like. You leave your shoes with one of the stalls, they give you a plate of offerings as before and you head up into the temple and queue as patiently as you can - not that everyone else is. I passed my plate to a guru/monk who gave me a few blessed items in return, like a sweet or a flower - stingy fellow. On the way out I found myself again offering a small donation to a monk. At which point I suddenly find myself receiving another Rakhi and most unexpectedly, a Bindi. I had to lean forward and get a small splodge of paint put on my forehead, couldn't take it off for the rest of the day. It's enough with being stared at a lot in Mumbai without having something on your forehead as well. Everyone back at work kept asking me "Have you been to a temple then?" knowing full well I had.
I also finally had some south Indian food, after Chodu had been asking me all the time since I've been here. Thought it stop him asking me at least. It seems the indians tend to refer to South Indian food as Vegetarian, I guess because very little of the dishes contain meat. You essentially get a Thali, a metal dish with several metal ramekins on filled with yogurt, Dall, veg, chickpea dish or the variant of. One of the dishes on the plate however I simply couldn't identify. And so I asked. the answer I got was. . . .
"Custard Sir".
"Eh? . . Sorry, did you say custard"
"Yes sir, custard sir".
"Err, . like in a trifle, the stuff you put on a dessert?"
"Yes Sir, custard"
Maybe i was misunderstanding them and it was some Indian name I couldn't make out.
Sure enough though, upon tasting, custard it was. Surprisingly, it went well with the spicy savoury dishes. That's a first I guess. I'm afraid to say this but, unfortunately the food was rather tainted by some not too pleasant smells in the restaurant. It was a recommended restaurant so I felt I should stay and the food was rather good.
My other temple of the week was the Haji Ali which sits out in the sea about a hundred yards along a walkway. It is a Muslim temple but it seems the routine is the same, although you don't receive a Bindi or a Rakhi. This temple was very full on. Men & Women go in via different entrances and it was very crowded. I was getting jostled and pushed around all over the place.
I also finally had some south Indian food, after Chodu had been asking me all the time since I've been here. Thought it stop him asking me at least. It seems the indians tend to refer to South Indian food as Vegetarian, I guess because very little of the dishes contain meat. You essentially get a Thali, a metal dish with several metal ramekins on filled with yogurt, Dall, veg, chickpea dish or the variant of. One of the dishes on the plate however I simply couldn't identify. And so I asked. the answer I got was. . . .
"Custard Sir".
"Eh? . . Sorry, did you say custard"
"Yes sir, custard sir".
"Err, . like in a trifle, the stuff you put on a dessert?"
"Yes Sir, custard"
Maybe i was misunderstanding them and it was some Indian name I couldn't make out.
Sure enough though, upon tasting, custard it was. Surprisingly, it went well with the spicy savoury dishes. That's a first I guess. I'm afraid to say this but, unfortunately the food was rather tainted by some not too pleasant smells in the restaurant. It was a recommended restaurant so I felt I should stay and the food was rather good.
My other temple of the week was the Haji Ali which sits out in the sea about a hundred yards along a walkway. It is a Muslim temple but it seems the routine is the same, although you don't receive a Bindi or a Rakhi. This temple was very full on. Men & Women go in via different entrances and it was very crowded. I was getting jostled and pushed around all over the place.
I do think it is a bit odd that everyone seems to be in such a hurry in a place that invites contemplation and thought. It's almost as if some people just go there in there lunch hour to have a quick blessing, then it's off back to work.
The path to the Haji Ali is full of street sellers and poor beggars, some with many afflictions. That was the toughest thing I have seen so far. You can change a note for a big handful of 1 rupees that you can give out on the way back from the mosque. It is never quite enough though.
The same night Yohann one of the Senior managers took me out for a meal with himself and his wife in Bandra where they live. We ate italian food and had a nice glass of wine in a very plush restaurant where Yohaan is a regular. It was lovely to have a civilized evening and chat to Yohaan and his wife. Bandra itself is lovely at night, in the same area where I got the baked cheesecake from a few nights ago. This time I was more aware of how up-market it is. The beach road is lined with imposing colonial apartments that have been renovated and look similar to that of Malibu beach or Miami. Abhishek Bachchan the number one Bollywood actor (son of Amitabh Bachchan - Bollywoods most famous actor) owns a whole block. It is certainly a world away from what I saw earlier in the day
Then of course there is work. Should mention that really. I keep bumping into Francoise in the office he seems to be racing around to get things done before he jets off to Malaysia. It is nice to chat to him now and again as he has an outsiders view like me. He has also introduced me to the Barista coffee shop round the corner. A bit like Costa Coffee I guess but it's the only place to get decent coffee in Mumbai. Jobs so far are going well. Clients are naturally cautious but they seem very pleased. The quality of the work seems very good too. They all agree that Slumdog Millionaire isn't that good and it shouldn't have won half the Oscars it did. If it was an indian director it would have been better, but then it wouldn't have even been thought of for an Oscar. They have a point. What is nice so far is that everyone seems very open to try things in this industry over in India and whatever views they have they are keen to listen to other ideas.
I am now ready for a double bill of jobs on Saturday. But I shall be prepared, I have found a shop that specializes in imported goods. So I now have Marmite for my toast in the mornings!
The path to the Haji Ali is full of street sellers and poor beggars, some with many afflictions. That was the toughest thing I have seen so far. You can change a note for a big handful of 1 rupees that you can give out on the way back from the mosque. It is never quite enough though.
The same night Yohann one of the Senior managers took me out for a meal with himself and his wife in Bandra where they live. We ate italian food and had a nice glass of wine in a very plush restaurant where Yohaan is a regular. It was lovely to have a civilized evening and chat to Yohaan and his wife. Bandra itself is lovely at night, in the same area where I got the baked cheesecake from a few nights ago. This time I was more aware of how up-market it is. The beach road is lined with imposing colonial apartments that have been renovated and look similar to that of Malibu beach or Miami. Abhishek Bachchan the number one Bollywood actor (son of Amitabh Bachchan - Bollywoods most famous actor) owns a whole block. It is certainly a world away from what I saw earlier in the day
Then of course there is work. Should mention that really. I keep bumping into Francoise in the office he seems to be racing around to get things done before he jets off to Malaysia. It is nice to chat to him now and again as he has an outsiders view like me. He has also introduced me to the Barista coffee shop round the corner. A bit like Costa Coffee I guess but it's the only place to get decent coffee in Mumbai. Jobs so far are going well. Clients are naturally cautious but they seem very pleased. The quality of the work seems very good too. They all agree that Slumdog Millionaire isn't that good and it shouldn't have won half the Oscars it did. If it was an indian director it would have been better, but then it wouldn't have even been thought of for an Oscar. They have a point. What is nice so far is that everyone seems very open to try things in this industry over in India and whatever views they have they are keen to listen to other ideas.
I am now ready for a double bill of jobs on Saturday. But I shall be prepared, I have found a shop that specializes in imported goods. So I now have Marmite for my toast in the mornings!